Author: ensoteam

The Green Powerhouse: Unleashing the Magic of Superfood Powders in Vegan Cuisine

In the ever-evolving world of nutrition, there is a growing fascination with superfood powders. These miraculous blends of nutrient-dense ingredients have taken the health and wellness industry by storm, offering a convenient and powerful way to enhance our daily diets. As a vegan chef, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative effects of incorporating superfood powders into plant-based cuisine. In this blog, i will dive into the captivating world of superfood powders and explore their endless potential in elevating the flavors, textures, and nutritional profiles of our vegan creations.


Superfood powders are nature’s gift to health-conscious individuals seeking a vibrant and nourishing lifestyle. Derived from an array of plant-based sources, these powders are carefully crafted to harness the concentrated goodness of various superfoods. From nutrient-packed greens like spirulina and wheatgrass to antioxidant-rich berries like acai and maqui, each powder offers a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. The result is a potent and easily accessible supplement that can enhance our overall well-being.


As a vegan chef, I view superfood powders as my secret weapon in the realm of culinary alchemy. These powders allow me to infuse dishes with an extra layer of nutrition, flavor, and visual appeal. Whether it’s adding a vibrant green hue to a smoothie bowl with matcha powder or creating a decadent chocolate mousse with cacao powder, the possibilities are endless. Superfood powders provide a canvas for creativity, enabling me to create vibrant, nutrient-packed dishes that tantalize the taste buds and nourish the body.


One of the key advantages of incorporating superfood powders into vegan cuisine is the ability to enhance the nutritional profiles of our dishes. Vegan diets are often rich in whole plant foods, but certain nutrients may be lacking. Superfood powders bridge this gap, offering concentrated sources of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. For instance, adding a spoonful of moringa powder to a green smoothie provides a significant boost of iron, calcium, and vitamin C. By strategically incorporating superfood powders, we can ensure our vegan meals are not only delicious but also nutritionally balanced.


Superfood powders are incredibly versatile, making them indispensable in the vegan kitchen. From savory dishes to sweet treats, there is no limit to their potential. For savory recipes, consider incorporating turmeric powder for its anti-inflammatory properties or nutritional yeast for its cheesy flavor and vitamin B12 content. In desserts, maca powder adds a caramel-like flavor, while spirulina lends a beautiful blue hue. By experimenting with different combinations, we can unlock a world of flavors and textures that elevate our vegan creations to new heights.


Superfood powders have revolutionized the way we approach vegan cuisine. I am constantly amazed by the transformative power of these nutrient-dense blends. From enhancing nutritional profiles to elevating flavors and textures, superfood powders have become an essential tool in my culinary repertoire. By incorporating these magical powders into your daily diets, you can embark on a journey of vibrant health, indulgent flavors, and nourishment for both body and soul. So, let’s embrace the green powerhouse of superfood powders and unlock the true potential of vegan cuisine.



The Chef I Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar

Embrace the Veganuary Journey with Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar

As the new year unfolds and resolutions take shape, there’s a growing movement that has captured the hearts and minds of people worldwide – Veganuary. This annual campaign encourages individuals to embrace a plant-based lifestyle for the entire month of January. But Veganuary is more than just a dietary choice; it’s a profound journey that encompasses compassion, sustainability, and vibrant health.


The Rise of Veganuary:

Veganuary, which began in the United Kingdom in 2014, has rapidly gained momentum, inspiring individuals from all walks of life to explore the wonders of a plant-based lifestyle. The campaign’s success lies in its simplicity – inviting people to try veganism for just one month, providing them with the resources, recipes, and support they need to make a smooth transition. Veganuary has not only transformed the lives of countless individuals but has also sparked a global conversation about the ethics of our food choices and their impact on animals and the environment.


A Compassionate Choice:

At the heart of Veganuary lies compassion – compassion towards all living beings. By choosing a vegan lifestyle, we actively reject the exploitation and suffering of animals, making a powerful statement that every creature deserves a life free from cruelty. Veganuary allows us to align our actions with our values, fostering a sense of empathy and connection with the world around us. As we explore the vast array of plant-based foods, we discover a newfound appreciation for the beauty and diversity of nature’s offerings.


The Health Revolution:

Beyond compassion, Veganuary also offers a myriad of health benefits. A well-planned vegan diet can provide all the necessary nutrients our bodies need, while reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. By embracing Veganuary, we embark on a journey towards vibrant health, exploring the abundance of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes that nourish and energize our bodies. The month of January becomes a gateway to discovering new flavors, experimenting with exciting recipes, and reaping the rewards of a wholesome, plant-based lifestyle.


Navigating Challenges:

While Veganuary presents an incredible opportunity for personal growth and transformation, it’s important to acknowledge the challenges that may arise. Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle can be daunting at first, requiring careful meal planning, ingredient substitutions, and a willingness to explore new culinary horizons. However, with the wealth of information and support available, the Veganuary journey becomes an exciting adventure, pushing us to expand our culinary repertoire and discover the hidden gems of plant-based cuisine.


The Impact on the Planet:

Veganuary is not just about individual transformation; it’s about creating a positive impact on the planet. The production of animal-based foods contributes significantly to deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and water pollution. By choosing plant-based alternatives, we reduce our carbon footprint and support sustainable farming practices. Veganuary empowers us to become stewards of the Earth, actively working towards a greener and more sustainable future for generations to come.


As January dawns, Veganuary beckons us to embrace a journey of compassion, health, and environmental consciousness. It’s an opportunity to challenge our preconceived notions about food, explore new flavors, and make a positive impact in the world. Whether we choose to continue our vegan journey beyond January or simply incorporate more plant-based meals into our lives, Veganuary serves as a catalyst for change – both within ourselves and in the world around us. So, let us embark on this adventure together, and let Veganuary be the beginning of a lifetime of conscious choices, compassion, and vibrant health.


Juliette Christodoulou

The Chef I Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar

Embracing the Enso Philosophy: A Holistic Culinary Experience at Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar

Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar is a culinary haven that wholeheartedly embraces the Enso philosophy. Inspired by the Zen Buddhist symbol of interconnectedness and balance, our shop strives to provide a holistic experience. In this blog, we will explore how Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar embodies the Enso philosophy through its commitment to fresh ingredients, homemade creations, and a menu that caters to diverse dietary needs.


  1. Interconnectedness through Fresh Ingredients:

At Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar, we believe in the power of fresh ingredients to nourish the body and elevate the dining experience. Every dish on our menu is carefully crafted using only the freshest and finest quality produce. From vibrant breakfast granolas and chia pudding to refreshing salads and energizing smoothies, we prioritize the use of fresh ingredients and superfoods to enhance the flavors and nutritional value of our offerings.


  1. Balance through Homemade Creations:

In line with the Enso philosophy, we take great pride in creating our sauces, dressings, and desserts from scratch. By making everything in-house, we have complete control over the ingredients, ensuring that each creation is crafted with love and care. From delectable sauces/dips that complement our sandwiches and salads to luscious desserts that satisfy your sweet cravings, our homemade creations bring balance and harmony to every bite.


  1. Catering to Diverse Dietary Needs:

Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar understands the importance of inclusivity when it comes to dietary choices. We offer an extensive menu that is 100% gluten-free and refined sugar-free. Whether you prefer a hearty open-faced sandwich, a refreshing smoothie bowl, a cold-pressed juice, a nourishing bowl of porridge, our diverse menu ensures that everyone can find something delicious and satisfying to enjoy.


  1. Mindful Indulgence with Raw Desserts:

Indulgence can be mindful too, and our selection of raw desserts is a testament to that. We believe that treating oneself should not come at the cost of health. Our raw desserts are made with natural, unprocessed ingredients, allowing you to savor guilt-free indulgence. From decadent chocolate treats to creamy and refreshing fruit-based desserts, each bite is a celebration of mindful indulgence.


Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar is not just a restaurant; it is a manifestation of the Enso philosophy, where interconnectedness, balance, and mindfulness are at the heart of our culinary creations. By prioritizing fresh ingredients, homemade sauces and dressings, and a menu that caters to diverse dietary needs, we invite you to embark on a holistic culinary journey with us. Join us at Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar, where every dish is a reflection of our dedication to embracing the enso philosophy and providing a truly exceptional dining experience.


Juliette Christodoulou

The Chef I Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar

Unlocking the Nutritional Power of Açai: The Superfood Berry for Optimal Health


In the world of superfoods, there is one that has gained tremendous popularity for its exceptional nutritional profile and health benefits – Açai. Native to the Amazon rainforest, this small purple berry has been consumed for centuries by indigenous tribes for its incredible health properties. In this blog, as the Chef of Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar, with an awarded Açai Bowl, we will delve into the nutritional wonders of açai, its abundant antioxidants, essential nutrients, and how this superfood can be a valuable addition to your plant-based diet.


  1. Antioxidant-Rich Superfood:

Açai berries are renowned for their high antioxidant content. These powerful compounds, including anthocyanins, help protect our bodies from oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and combat free radicals that can contribute to chronic diseases.


  1. Nutrient-Dense Profile:

Despite their small size, açai berries pack a punch when it comes to essential nutrients. They are a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Incorporating açai into your diet can help support immune function, enhance skin health, and promote overall vitality.


  1. Heart-Healthy Benefits:

The antioxidants found in açai berries, particularly anthocyanins, have been associated with cardiovascular health. Studies suggest that regular consumption of açai may help reduce cholesterol levels, improve blood circulation, and support a healthy heart.


  1. Supports Digestive Health:

Açai berries are rich in dietary fiber, which plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy digestive system. Fiber aids in regular bowel movements, supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, and may help prevent digestive disorders such as constipation and bloating.


  1. Energizing and Anti-Fatigue Properties:

Açai berries are an excellent source of natural energy. They contain carbohydrates and healthy fats, providing a sustained release of energy throughout the day. Additionally, açai’s combination of vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, supports the body’s energy metabolism, helping combat fatigue and boosting overall vitality.


  1. Skin-Nourishing Properties:

The antioxidants and healthy fats present in açai berries can contribute to healthy skin. These compounds help protect against oxidative damage, strengthen skin cells, and promote a youthful appearance. Including açai in your diet, along with a comprehensive skincare routine, can help enhance your skin’s radiance.


  1. Weight Management Support:

Açai berries can be a valuable addition to a weight management plan. Their high fiber content helps promote satiety, reducing the likelihood of overeating. Additionally, açai’s low glycemic index helps stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing energy crashes and cravings.


  1. Versatile Culinary Ingredient:

Açai berries are incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed in various forms. You can find açai as frozen puree, powder, or in supplement form. From smoothie bowls and desserts to homemade granola bars and energy balls, açai can easily be incorporated into your plant-based culinary creations, adding a delightful burst of flavor and a nutritional boost.


  1. Considerations and Precautions:

While açai is generally safe for consumption, it is essential to choose high-quality sources and be cautious of added sugars or unnatural additives. Also, if you have any allergies or medical conditions, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before adding açai to your diet.



Açai berries have rightfully earned their place as a superfood due to their exceptional nutritional profile and health benefits. Adding açai to your diet can provide a wide range of antioxidants, essential nutrients, and support various aspects of your overall health, from cardiovascular well-being to digestive health and skin nourishment. Embrace the nutritional power of açai and explore the delicious ways to incorporate this superfood into your daily routine, knowing that you are nourishing your body and promoting optimal well-being.


Juliette Christodoulou

The Chef I Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar

The Power of Hydration: Unveiling the Hidden Link Between Hunger and Thirst


Welcome, to a refreshing journey into the world of hydration! I am thrilled to shed light on the often-overlooked connection between hydration and hunger. Prepare to be amazed as we unveil the secret behind those mysterious pangs of hunger that may actually be a call for hydration.



Life’s Quenching Elixir:

Water, the elixir of life, is the foundation of our existence. Our bodies are composed of approximately 60% water, emphasizing the vital role hydration plays in maintaining overall well-being. Beyond quenching our thirst, water is involved in countless physiological processes that keep us functioning optimally.


Understanding the Hunger-Hydration Connection:

Did you know that our bodies sometimes confuse hunger with thirst? Yes, it’s true! Our brain’s hunger and thirst receptors can occasionally send similar signals, leading us to reach for a snack when all we really need is a refreshing glass of water.


The Hidden Thirst:

Dehydration can manifest in subtle ways, often disguising itself as hunger. When our bodies lack sufficient water, they enter a state of mild dehydration, sometimes causing us to misinterpret thirst as hunger. This phenomenon can lead to overeating and unnecessary caloric intake, derailing our health goals and leaving us feeling unsatisfied.


Cracking the Code:

How to Tell if You’re Truly Hungry or Thirsty:

Distinguishing between genuine hunger and hidden thirst can be challenging, but fear not! Here are some simple strategies to help you decode those signals:


  1. Pause and Assess: Before you reach for a snack, take a moment to assess your hunger level. Ask yourself if you have eaten recently or if it has been a while since your last meal. If you’ve recently eaten, it’s worth considering if thirst may be the culprit behind your hunger pangs.


  1. Water First, Snack Later: Whenever you feel hunger creeping in, make it a habit to drink a glass of water first. Give your body a chance to rehydrate, and observe if the hunger subsides. If it does, chances are you were just thirsty!


  1. Mindful Eating: Practice mindful eating by paying attention to your body’s signals. Sip water throughout the day to stay hydrated, and listen to your body’s cues before reaching for food. Sometimes, what we perceive as hunger is simply our body’s way of reminding us to drink up.


Benefits of Staying Hydrated:

Maintaining adequate hydration goes beyond quelling hunger signals. Here are some additional reasons to prioritize hydration in your daily routine:


  1. Enhanced Energy and Focus: Proper hydration keeps your body functioning optimally, supporting energy levels and mental clarity throughout the day.


  1. Improved Digestion: Water plays a crucial role in digestion, aiding nutrient absorption and preventing common digestive issues such as constipation.


  1. Radiant Skin and Overall Health: Hydration is the key to glowing skin and overall well-being. Water helps flush out toxins, promotes healthy cell regeneration, and nourishes your body from the inside out.


As we wrap up our exploration into the importance of hydration and its fascinating connection to hunger, I hope you feel empowered to decode your body’s signals more effectively. By staying hydrated and listening to your body’s needs, you can strike a harmonious balance between quenching your thirst and satisfying genuine hunger. Remember, the next time you feel those pangs, reach for a glass of water first – it might just be the key to unlocking a world of well-being.


Stay hydrated, stay vibrant, and nourish your body with the elixir of life!


Juliette Christodoulou

The Chef I Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar

Fuelling Greatness: Unleashing Your Inner Vegan Athlete


For all fitness warriors and plant-powered enthusiasts! Get ready to embark on a journey that combines the power of a plant-based diet with the unstoppable energy of athletic pursuits. Welcome to the world of vegan fitness, where we break stereotypes, smash records, and nourish our bodies with the most amazing fuel on Earth. In this blog, we’ll dive deep into the benefits of a plant-based diet for athletic performance and provide you with some delicious meal ideas and protein sources that will supercharge your active lifestyle. Let’s get started!


The Plant-Based Powerhouse:

Picture this: a plate filled with colorful fruits, veggies, whole grains, and legumes, all working together to provide your body with the perfect balance of nutrients. A plant-based diet offers a treasure trove of benefits for athletes, from quicker recovery times to improved endurance and a reduced risk of inflammation. By embracing plants, you’ll not only be giving your body the fuel it craves but also contributing to a healthier planet. It’s a win-win!


Protein Powerhouses:

One of the most common questions vegans hear is, “Where do you get your protein?” Fear not, fitness enthusiasts, for the plant world is abundant with protein-packed wonders. Quinoa, lentils, chickpeas, tofu, tempeh, and seitan are just a few of the plant-based protein sources that will help you build and repair muscles. Don’t forget about nuts, seeds, and nut butters, which provide an extra protein punch while delivering healthy fats and essential nutrients.


Meal Ideas to Ignite Your Workouts:

Now, let’s talk about some mouthwatering meal ideas that will fuel your workouts and leave you feeling energized throughout the day. How about a power-packed breakfast of overnight oats topped with sliced bananas, chia seeds, and a dollop of almond butter? For lunch, indulge in a hearty grain bowl loaded with quinoa, roasted veggies, kale, and a generous drizzle of tahini dressing. And when dinner time rolls around, savor a plant-based protein stir-fry with tofu or tempeh, paired with a rainbow of veggies and a side of brown rice. Delicious, right?


Tips for Training like a Vegan Beast:

To maximize your athletic potential, it’s essential to focus not only on diet but also on training. Incorporate a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and flexibility work into your routine. Experiment with activities like running, cycling, yoga, and HIIT workouts to keep things exciting and challenge your body in different ways. Remember to listen to your body, prioritize rest and recovery, and stay hydrated throughout your fitness journey.



Congratulations, passionate plant-based athlete! By adopting a vegan lifestyle and embracing the power of plants, you’ve tapped into a world of endless possibilities for your athletic performance. Remember, being an athlete is not limited to those who consume animal products, but rather it’s a mindset, a commitment to pushing your limits, and a dedication to nourishing your body with the best nature has to offer. So, lace up those trainers, grab a smoothie packed with plant-based protein, and let your vegan fitness journey begin. The road to greatness awaits you!


Juliette Christodoulou

The Chef I Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar

Sun, Fun, and Plant-Based Living: Tips for a Vegan Summer Adventure

The temperature rises and the sun shines brighter, it’s time to shift our focus to a vegan summer lifestyle. Whether you’re an experienced vegan or just starting out, there are plenty of ways to embrace a plant-based diet and lifestyle during the summer months. Here are some tips to help you get started.

  1. Embrace seasonal fruits and vegetables

Summer is the perfect time to indulge in fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables. Take advantage of the abundance of produce available during this time of year and incorporate them into your meals. Some of the best summer fruits and vegetables include watermelon, berries, peaches, corn, tomatoes, and zucchini.

  1. Keep it light and refreshing

Summer is all about light, refreshing meals that won’t weigh you down. Consider incorporating salads, smoothie bowls, and chilled soups into your diet. These types of meals are perfect for hot summer days and will help keep you feeling energized and satisfied.

  1. Experiment with vegan grilling

Just because you’re vegan doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a summer barbecue. Experiment with grilling vegetables like corn, mushrooms, and peppers, or try grilling tofu or plant-based burgers. You’ll be surprised at how delicious and satisfying these options can be.

  1. Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is important during the summer months, especially if you’re spending time outdoors. Make sure to drink plenty of water, and consider incorporating hydrating foods like watermelon and cucumber into your diet.

  1. Get creative with your snacks

Summer is the perfect time to get creative with your snacks. Instead of reaching for processed foods, consider making your own snacks using fresh fruits and vegetables. Some easy snack ideas include sliced cucumbers with hummus, fresh fruit salad, or homemade granola bars.

  1. Plan ahead

Planning ahead is key to maintaining a vegan lifestyle during the summer months. Make sure to stock up on fresh produce, and plan your meals in advance to avoid resorting to unhealthy options when you’re on-the-go.

By embracing a vegan summer lifestyle, you can enjoy all the benefits of a plant-based diet while still indulging in delicious, seasonal foods. Use these tips to help you get started on your journey to a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.


2 Summer Vegan Juices:

  1. Watermelon & Mint Juice


– 2 cups diced watermelon

– 1/4 cup fresh mint leaves

– 1/2 lime, juiced

– 1/2 cup water


  1. Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth.
  2. Pour into a glass and enjoy!


  1. Pineapple & Ginger Juice


– 2 cups diced pineapple

– 1 inch piece of ginger, peeled

– 1/2 lemon, juiced

– 1/2 cup water


  1. Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth.
  2. Pour into a glass and enjoy!

2 Vegan Smoothie Bowls:

  1. Berry & Banana Smoothie Bowl


– 1 banana, frozen

– 1/2 cup mixed berries, frozen

– 1/2 cup almond milk

– 1 tbsp chia seeds

– Toppings of your choice (e.g. sliced banana, fresh berries, granola)


  1. Blend the banana, mixed berries, almond milk and chia seeds until smooth.
  2. Pour the mixture into a bowl.
  3. Add toppings of your choice.
  4. Enjoy your delicious and healthy smoothie bowl!


  1. Mango & Coconut Smoothie Bowl


– 1 mango, peeled and chopped

– 1/2 cup coconut milk

– 1/2 cup pineapple, frozen

– 1 tbsp shredded coconut

– Toppings of your choice (e.g. sliced mango, fresh berries, granola)


  1. Blend the mango, coconut milk, pineapple and shredded coconut until smooth.
  2. Pour the mixture into a bowl.
  3. Add toppings of your choice.
  4. Enjoy your delicious and healthy smoothie bowl!


Juliette Christodoulou

The Chef I Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar



If you’re keen to understand fasting and what happens in your body when you honour it with structured, controlled rest read on.

Commonly asked questions on fasting, answered, and a timeline of the transformative change that can happen to your body when you invest in short periodical rests.

What is Fasting?

Fasting is simply a process of controlling when you eat. Just as your body and brain feels refreshed after a good night’s sleep, fasting can help restore and rejuvenate your organs and systems.

There is a huge amount of research for different fasting styles. Some involve abstaining completely from food for a set period of time, while others recommend a specific restricted amount be consumed on fast days, for example 25% of your daily intake, as in the 5:2 Intermittent Fasting method.

Overall though, there are a few key elements that are consistent for success:

  • Choose a method that you can maintain and suit your lifestyle – be that daily time restricted feeding, weekly one day fasts or quarterly longer fasts (or a combination of all of these.)
  • Choose whole foods and mostly plants, to break your fast or as nourishment on your non-fast days.

Is fasting safe?

Controlled fasting is safe. There are loads of different styles available to suit your goals and needs. In fact, we all fast overnight while sleeping!

In fact, researchers have found that fasting as short as overnight can reduce concentrations of metabolic biomarkers associated with chronic disease such as insulin and glucose. This is part of the reason patients are required to fast before certain blood tests.

Some people who must not try long fasting are:

  • any growing bodies (pregnant + breastfeeding women and children)
  • those with type 1 diabetes
  •  anyone with a history of Eating disorder or who is underweight.

Outside of this, there is plenty of research that sees fasting as a huge benefit to reducing the impact of or preventing some of the more common diseases that the western world face. But depending on how frequently you plan to fast and your own medical history – it is usually best to consult with a trusted health professional if you plan to fast longer than 24hrs.

What are the benefits?

Research has found that fasting can be helpful to:

  • Support weight loss
  • Decrease inflammation
  • Decrease cancer risk
  • Support heart health
  • Improve insulin resistance and metabolic disorders
  • Promote longevity
  • Improve autoimmunity
  • Support digestive rest and healing

What happens while you fast?

Let’s walk through the processes that occur in a fasting timeline.

0-3hrs fasting:

Your body is still going through the process of digesting and storing the last thing you ate. Depending on what that was, a few different hormones could be at play in your bloodstream – those that control blood sugar and hunger. This stage is often called the “growth” period – since nutrients are made available to the body to store and build.

12-24hrs fasting:

Glucose (sugar) is still your body’s main fuel source in this phase, but when you stop receiving more food, the metabolism will attempt to keep things balanced as best it can. You may feel some waves of hunger or irritability during this stage.  As it becomes clear to your clever body that another resource for energy is needed, it goes ahead and finds one. fat burning!

In the 12-24hr fast zone, you’ll begin the process of switching from glucose (sugar) to ketones (fat) as your primary source of fuel. The time this takes can vary from person to person based on their internal landscape (hormones, gender, usual diet etc.) but the really good news is that hunger starts to decline in this time. The hormones that cue hunger are clinically proven to reduce as time goes on in your fast.

24-72hrs fasting: 1-3 days

This is the zone where the energy scales flip and ketones (fat) become your primary fuel. Your brain still needs a bit of glucose to function, so your body will make some from fat.

One of the perks of becoming fat adapted, is that fat is a slow burn fuel.  As you continue into your fast, you may notice the benefits that come with this:

– you experience less spikes and dips in blood sugar than with a glucose based fuel system

– you have more energy and less irregular moods

– hunger is also likely to fade more, In fact, the research suggests that every additional 24 hours you fast, ghrelin (the hunger hormone) declines further in your bloodstream.

72-120hrs fasting: 3 – 5 days

Here you enter the prolonged fast phase.

If you’ve made it this far, you’ll find the most benefits from fat burning and all those juicy cleanse goals we see. Rather than being the hardest part of a cleanse, people that manage to cleanse longer than 3-days, report that they feel more energised and less hungry,  like they could go longer if they wish.

Glucose and insulin levels will be low, hunger stays suppressed, and you’re in a steady state of fat burning.

From days 3-5, the body experiences less oxidative stress due to a drop in something called IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1) which researchers believe is an important part of why longer fasts bring anti-cancer and anti-aging benefits.

The decreased levels of growth hormone and insulin in the bloodstream also seem to have benefits for immunity, inflammation, the nervous system, and overall metabolic health.

120+hrs fasting: 5+ days

This is where we get more of the good stuff. The transformative zone.

Five days of fasting in humans has been shown to cause over a 60% decrease in IGF-1 – that factor that relates to anti-cancer and longevity benefits. All the great parts for immunity, inflammation, the nervous system, and overall metabolic health continue too.

At Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar we offer cold pressed juice cleanses for all levels.

We suggest you try our


weight loss, vitality + longevity.

We offer an easy way to do the 5:2 intermittent fasting lifestyle which is famous for fat burning, boosting vitality & cellular repair & renewal.

+ Healthy and sustainable weight loss.
+ No stress about food choices and counting calories on fasting days
+ Fasting days are bursting with an abundance of nutrition so the body doesn’t miss out on vital vitamins + minerals important for a healthy metabolism.
+ Choose fasting days to work around your busy schedule.

For maximum results, we recommend a month pack: 2 x cleanse days per week for 4 weeks. A special price of 360 euro applies for April and May.

The cleanse includes:

upon rising: PURE CELERY JUICE: celery, lemon

9am – 10am: celery, cucumber, spinach, lemon, parsley, banana, avocado, chia seeds,
tocos, pea protein, tremella, lucuma, vanilla and aloe Vera

11am – 12pm: carrot, beetroot, lemon, ginger, flaxseed oil

1pm – 2pm: fresh nut milk, raspberries, avocado, dragonfruit, vegan protein powder by ViVo.

3pm – 4pm: celery, cucumber, spinach, lemon, parsley

5pm – 6pm: sweet green- green apple, pineapple, cucumber and mint

6pm – 7pm: lettuce, celery, cucumber, kale, lemon, ginger, mint, parsley

7pm – 8pm: deep detox- filtered water, medicinal grade activated coconut charcoal, lemon, peppermint essential oil


Juliette Christodoulou

The Chef I Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar

Ashwagandha: Benefits, Uses, and Recipes

Ashwagandha is one of the most important and revered herbs of Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine in India, due to its amazing health benefits.

What is Ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha is a medicinal herb that has been used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine for its wide ranging health benefits. It is also known as Indian ginseng or winter-cherry.

Health Benefits of Ashwagandha

A powerful adaptogen, ashwagandha is good for enhancing the body’s resilience to stress. In addition to its adaptogenic qualities, this potent herb also provides many other health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, increasing muscle strength, improving memory and may even fight against cancer.


Ashwagandha helps to reduce stress and anxiety and improve the overall well-being of adults under stress. In a study that lasted for two months, people with chronic stress who were given ashwagandha reported a 69% reduction in anxiety and insomnia.


Initially I started taking ashwagandha for its stress relieving benefits, but I grew to love it even more for its anti-inflammatory benefits. While I have experienced a decrease in inflammation and joint pain and am a living testament to its efficacy, there are also several animal studies that have shown that ashwagandha reduces inflammation.


Studies show that ashwagandha increases muscle mass, reduces body fat, and increases strength in healthy men.


Ashwagandha has been taken for centuries for its support of cognitive functions and recent studies support this method. For instance, an 8-week study found that taking ashwagandha extract twice a day improved memory, task performance, and attention span. In addition, another study found that daily supplementation of the root extract helped healthy men with task performance and reaction time.


Studies have shown that one of ashwagandha’s compounds helps to kill cancer cells and keeps cancer cells from growing.Research suggests that it may help treat several types of cancer.

How To Use Ashwagandha

Traditionally, ashwagandha was mixed with honey and ghee and either ingested or applied topically for help with inflammation. Today, adding to juice, smoothies, and snacks are some of the best ways to incorporate this adaptogen into your daily life. It is available in whole form, powder, and extract form.

Form Works well with…

  • Powders smoothies, smoothie bowls, plant-based milks, raw snack bars, baked goods, nut butters
  • Extracts juices, smoothies, plant-based milks, most applications
  • Whole tea

Ashwagandha has a bitter-sweet flavor and is sometimes described as “energetically warming”. You might not like it the first time you try it, however, give it some time, you might grow to actually like the taste.

When To Take Ashwagandha & How Much

The type of health benefit you are hoping to gain by taking ashwagandha can help determine your dosage. There have been studies performed to find the daily dosage levels that provide the different health benefits.

  • To reduce stress and anxiety, daily doses of 500-600 mg for 6-12 weeks has shown to be effective in some people.
  •  If you are looking to reduce inflammation, research shows that a daily supplement of 250-500 mg may help.
  • To increase muscle growth and strength, daily ashwagandha supplements of 500-1,250 mg have been shown to work in as little as 30 days.
  • Supplementing 500-600 mg of ashwagandha per day can help boost your memory and help you stay focused and perform better on tasks.

Ashwagandha is believed to be safe and effective for most people at dosages of 250-500 mg per day for at least a month. However, your dosage may vary depending on your needs.

Important note

If you are pregnant, nursing, or on medication, you may need to avoid taking this medicinal herb. Before adding supplements to your diet, you should consult with your doctor to make sure it is safe for you to consume.

Anti-inflammatory juice recipe

Yield: About one 240ml serving


* Pineapple – 1 cup chunked pineapple

* Green apple – 1 medium apple

* Spinach – 2 cups spinach

* Cucumber – 1/5 cucumber

* Celery – 2/3 medium stalk

* Lemon – 1/4 lemon

* Ginger – 1 inch chunk of ginger root

* Ashwagandha extract – 0.5 ml (one serving)

Citrus carrot juice

Yield: About one 240ml serving


* Ashwagandha root extract – 0.5 ml  (one serving per shot)

* Grapefruit (peeled) – 1 medium grapefruit

* Orange (peeled) – 2 medium oranges

* Carrot – 2-3 small carrots

* Passion fruit pulp – 1 passion fruit

* Agave – 1 tablespoon – optional


Juliette Christodoulou

The Chef I Enso Vegan Lifestyle Bar

Post and Pre workout recipes


A nutritional balanced blend of easily digestible, high-nutrient foods.

This pudding is an ideal pre-exercise snack, or serve it as a high energy mid-afternoon boost.

2 bananas

1 cup blueberries

2 scoops chocolate protein (VIVO)

¼ cup soaked raw almonds or almond butter

1 TB coconut oil

1 tsp fresh lemon juice

¼ tsp sea salt

2 TB chia or hemp seeds (optional)


Process everything in a food processor until smooth and creamy.

For extra flavor, texture and nutrition add a couple of tablespoons of chia or hemp seeds.


COOKIE AND CREAM | Recovery Smoothie

Ideal for strength athletes in pursuit of building lean mass.

This recovery smoothie is a delicious way to feed your fatigued muscles while reducing inflammation and oxidative damage to your cells.

2 TB raw cashews

2 TB vegan dark chocolate chips or 1 TB cacao nibs

1 TB raw cashew butter

1 TB Medjoul dates

1 scoop vanilla protein (VIVO)

1 cup unsweetened almond milk

¼ cup agave nectar or maple syrup (optional)

About 2 cups ice


In a blender combine all the ingredients except the ice. ADD on high speed until smooth and creamy.

NOTE: the optional agave is suggested if your workout has exceeded 90 minutes.


Juliette Christodoulou