Enso’s key nutrients to fuel fitness while on a plant based diet
1) Alkaline food
Alkaline forming foods balance the body’s PH. An acidic environment affects health at the cellular level and people with low PH are prone to fatigue and disease. To help your muscles recover and cover your cortisol levels you must consume highly alkalizing food, rich in chlorophyll soon after exercise.
Best source: all green vegetables, seaweed algae like chlorella and spirulina
Benefits: improves bone strength, reduces inflammation, improves muscle efficiency, reduce risk of disease
2) Antioxidants
Extra activity requires extra oxygen. This causes cellular oxidation which creates free radical. These reduce cell life span and in turn cause premature cell degeneration.
Antioxidants in food help to rid the body of free radicals by escorting them out of the body. Regular strenuous physical activity creates an abundance of free radicals, we therefore need to combat the negative side effect to exercise. Antioxidant compounds food in fruit and vegetables, vitamin C, selenium and carotenoids carries out the effects of the cell damages free radical by slowing or preventing the oxidation process.
Best source: berries, fruit in general, green legumes
Benefits: protects cellular health, speeds physical recovery, reduce risk of disease, improves skin appearance and elasticity
3) Calcium
Most people believe that calcium major role is building strength and repairing bones, but for active people calcium has another important job: muscle contraction and rhythmic heartbeat coordination. Calcium is lost in sweat and muscle contraction. Vitamin D maximizes calcium absorption. Consuming an adequate supply of organic calcium from sources like leafy green vegetables will ensure that bones stay strong and that muscle contraction remains smooth and efficient.
Best plant sources: dark leafy greens, spinach, kale, collard greens, sesame seeds.
Benefits: improve muscle function, increase bone strength, and reduce risk of osteoporosis.
4) Electrolytes
Electrolytes are electricity-conducting salts. Calcium, Chlorine, Magnesium, Potassium and Sodium are the chief electrolyte minerals. Electrolytes are essential for muscle contraction, heartbeat, fluid regulation and general nerve function.
Best plant-base sources: coconut water, molasses and molasses sugar, seaweed (dulse and kelp)
Secondary: banana, tomatoes and celery.
Benefits: help maintain hydration, improve fluid and muscle contraction, increase the heart efficiency, lower heart rate, improve endurance, boost mental clarity.
5) Essential Fats/ EFA’s
Essential fatty acids are important components of overall health. EFA’S support the function of the cardiovascular, immune and nervous system. They are also responsible in part for the cells ability to receive nutrition and eliminate waste, they play an important role in repair and regeneration of cells. A balance of omega 3+6 will also keep skin looking and feeling supple. They also help fight infection and reduce inflammation. Combine with proper endurance training, a diet with adequate supply of EFA’s can help improve endurance.
Best sources: chia seeds, flaxseeds and hemp seeds al contain a balance of both omega 3 and omega 6.
Benefits: improve endurance, increase the body’s ability to burn fat as fuel, and improve ability to stay well hydrate, improve joint function.
6) Iron
Iron helps maintain the health of red blood cells so that the body can deliver oxygen rich blood to the hard working muscles, maximizing efficiency and therefore performance. Iron can aso build protein essential for food digestion, metabolism and circulation. Iron is lost in sweat and is consumed during muscle contraction.
Best plant base sources: pumpkin seeds, leafy greens, especially kale.
Benefits: improve bloods oxygen-carrying ability, increases physical stamina, boost energy.
7) Phytonutrients
Phytonutrients are plant compound that offer heart benefits. They are not essential for life, but they can help improve vitality and quality of life. Example: phytonutrients found in tomatoes improve blood vessel elasticity. Turmeric and chia contain inflammation reducing phytonutrients.
Best sources: fruits, vegetables, chia, turmeric.
Benefits: improve heart health, reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, improve blood vessel elasticity, and improve circulation.
8) Raw foods
Eating a large amount of raw food makes great sense since high-temperature cooking and processing of food destroys enzymes and nutrient needed for efficient digestion. Best sources: fruit, nuts, seeds and most vegetables.
Benefits: improve digestibility of most foods, maintain higher nutritional value in most foods, and provide higher net gain and more energy.
Bottom line is that proper nutrition boosts exercise’s positive effect.